Your beauty ..silences sounds of war...
Your smile disbands hearts of stone...
And virtuous souls could only abhor...
A clone, a worthless rival on your throne...

Beguiling youth fades not with years...
It simply hides beneath wrinkled fears...
Breathing life into eyes that sear ...
And a heart laden with fallen tears

Dear Mother...
I, the strain akin to pain...
The mist resembling falling rain.
Traveling swiftly along your vein
My love for you has only grown...
You must have reign alone

I look beyond the clouds of time...
Beyond words that rhyme and bells that chime
I see a soul intent, a heart sublime..
Reminding me softly of my innocent crime

'Tis you,  who crushed me to my knees
With words that haunt once deafened ears
And now a deja-vu of imminent truth
Echoing words to MY precious youth

You knew back then
Such words I'd pen...Oil nearly spent
You came and went..and left your scent...
I now repent..I now lament ..
Childhood days.. I circumvent...

There you are the wind beneath my wings..
Your lure, unwavering, it only clings..
Your beauty, obstinate to time's questionings
Affording you the luxury and liberty
Of endearing bountiful vanity...

Worthy you are, of prodigal praise
To see through haze and anguished maze...
        Vanquished ills soon perish with maternal gaze
            A tour de force, only a Master could trace
'Tis you, who cast the spell, 'tis why the curtain fell, 
As audience in awe, reaches for a higher place, lulled into a state of grace.

            Copyright © 2002 Grace Halabi, All Rights Reserved.